===== Usage ===== From the `-h` or `--help` help menu: .. code-block:: console usage: socialbrute [OPTIONS] SocialBrute attempts to crack social networks using a brute force dictionary attack. Options: --use-proxy / --no-proxy Set a proxy to use --proxy-host TEXT Set the proxy host --proxy-port INTEGER Specify the proxy port --proxy-user TEXT Set the proxy user --proxy-pass TEXT Set the proxy user's password -u, --username TEXT Set the username -s, --social [aol|facebook|gmail|hotmail|instagram|twitter|vk|yahoo|spotify|netflix|gitlab|github|linkedin] Set the social network -w, --wordlist PATH Set the wordlist path -d, --delay INTEGER Provide the number of seconds the program delays as each password is tried --interactive / --no-interactive Set the browser emulation interactive --help Show this message and exit. **Examples** Trying to crack a Facebook account: .. code-block:: console $ socialbrute -s facebook -u YOUR_USERNAME -w ~/wordlist.txt Trying to crack a Twitter account with tor support: .. code-block:: console $ socialbrute -s twitter -u YOUR_USERNAME -w ~/wordlist.txt --use-proxy --proxy-host --proxy-port 9050